Losing the championship. Spouse leaving you. Getting fired. Getting deported. Not getting that rise….
Essentially I could go on but you get the drift. Bad shit happens to us, it’s like we have a personal ‘shit on me’ radar whenever things seem to be going well and an even bigger one when things are not. How do we change this? Perspective.
A setback is a setup for a comeback
A great friend a mentor taught me this long long ago and it has ring true for me many a year. I am butchering this but Einstein has famously said that insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. One thing our great Steiny forgot the mention is the power or reflection and analysing WHY shit hit the fan.
Addressing You
After heavy ‘L’s’ or setbacks, you should first treat yourself the same way a business does when it looks at the metrics.
- Acknowledge the problem
- Take the positives from what you gained from the ordeal
- Discard the rest
- Focus focus focus
If we spent even half the time focusing on the way our technique got better at the gym and not the weight you could not lift (real life example here) then we can continuously improve.
Changing your view of life from scarcity to adundance.
Be Super.