We’ve all been there before. Hand shaking, fist clenching overwhelming anger towards a person, event or circumstance. Where the line between what is perceived good or bad is severely blurred.
When used badly this can cause destruction of your mind, your heart and your soul. It leaks into every aspect of your life until it infects your very being and those around you. Tread carefully.
When NOT to use it
- Results in direct/indirect harm of someone else
- Destruction of property
- Destruction of the body
- Hurt your boss
Where It Can Potentially Be Applied
- Furthering your career
So essentially driving you to never ever feel like this again. You will stay up countless hours if you have to, meetings that you do not want to, as what you are feeling now is a direct product of what you have been doing. Change it up.
- Competition
A massive driver. Losing to the same person over and over in any form is not fun unless that is your type of thing. Use your emotions to drive you to make them either feel the way you do/did or use it to catapult you to the next stage in your evolution.
- Empowering you to change your circumstances
Now we’re all not born with the same set of cards, that doesn’t mean we should get mad at the dealer. No. Use that raw energy to figure out how best you can navigate through your current situation, form plans, loopholes, network, change mindset, great place for it to be used.
Listen. Think. Speak
A motto of my mentor, Tim Robinson. Now before you start applying being steam hot mad on your loved ones always listen first, think and THEN speak. Many of us when anger is involved speak first, pretend we listen and then we think about what we said minutes, hours, years after.
No many things in this world we can fully govern but how we approach things and usage of our emotions is up there.
Be Better Than Most.
Be Super.