Becoming A Father

Pre birth.

2 min readJun 16, 2020

Since the day ‘I’m pregnant’ is heard, so much happens to the male psyche, my own psyche and as you scrape the internet seldom does content exist for us.

These are some things from the male perspective BEFORE the birth of a expected child I would love to share.


Societal. Parental. Social. The child’s name. All of it comes out. ‘Who will you be as a father?’, never ending stream of expectations. A lot of it self imposed. A lot of it environmental but that does not make them less than true.


A new kind of focus comes out. It is chilling. You now are not only living life for yourself but there is someone else who will be dependant on you. Learn from you. It becomes so easy to mentally detach from things that are not growing you. Less things matter.


Physically you wanted your body to just survive before, now you need it to last. Those unhealthy knees, the stretches you never do…not today. Be it a new diet, work out, new perspective a new found energy is gained to keeping your body active and healthy.

It’s not like you suddenly become selfish on the months leading up to your expected birth but a paradigm shift is slowly happening. Already pushing you to be the best you can be. To not push that thing until tomorrow. These are things we can focus on. Today.

Be Super




Written by R.M.Z

Ramz Shaft. Daring to be more than extra and less than normal. SuperHuman, SuperAgile, SuperGamer, SuperTrepreneuer. Part-time lover and fighter. Always growing

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