Big Fat Scary S Word….Sales

2 min readFeb 7, 2017


Insurance. Double glazing. Insulation. Boiler men. Charities. ‘Marketing’. Door 2 Door.

So scary!

fish salesman

Mark Zuckerberg. Steve Jobs. Aliko Dangote. Add other random rich guys on Forbes? I’m pretty sure if you gave them some ice that Eskimo would invest in some for their grand children.

You and probably a healthy percent of the human population will/never and have not put those two and two together.

Great business people = great sales people.

Heck even great pick up artists can sell themselves (not literally) well.


Selling all stems from structures and systems that we use to birth, mold or shape an idea into a person(S) mind they may or may not have know about before.

For you Inception fans you’ll love this…

watch the film I dare you…

Selling all stems from structures and systems that we use to birth, mold or shape an idea into a person(S)

Essentially to win over your spouse? You had to market yourself as a dependable human being and reliable. To get your job you most definitely had to sell yourself.
Overtime however it’s been seen as sleazy, pushy, needy, synonymous to a young lad with a fast speaking accent and overpriced cologne.

Sales is just a complex non complex system that is used in some professions more than others to illicit a response or extract a gain/win.
So next time you’re cringing at the idea of being sold try to take from them too, see how they plant ideas, engage you who knows? It could be mighty beneficial for you in years to come.

Be Great.

Be Super.




Written by R.M.Z

Ramz Shaft. Daring to be more than extra and less than normal. SuperHuman, SuperAgile, SuperGamer, SuperTrepreneuer. Part-time lover and fighter. Always growing

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