Bouncing Back When You Are Knocked Down

2 min readDec 29, 2016


Picture this. You take the leap, you tried to be different than everyone else. First one of your family and friends to try this new thing. It ends horribly. You are knocked out. You feel powerless. Ashamed. You do not want to go on…

Fighter knocked out

For many of us this is a reality. Failure is an enemy. We run from it. Cower from it. It is easy being the same than it is failing. This is what fundamentally keeps us where we are.

Everything I mean literally every object we see in this world is near enough an idea from someone else who is living and breathing like us, so why do we think failure hasn’t touched their lives, simple we do not celebrate the loses.

Celebrates the loses

We celebrate many holidays, many human achievements but not the greatest of all, ‘failure’. Failure is framed as invisible learning. Through failing it essentially means we are pushing ourselves to places we have never been, evolving, becoming stronger, smarter and gaining new experiences. 1 failure a day can compound and result in greatness. You need not look further than people like Abraham Lincoln who suffered more than a fair share of career blips.

The Unknown

Take the leap. Look over the unknown horizon but do not fear it. Know that everything in this world we see today was but an idle idea from someone else but they outweighed it against the chance of them failing. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.




Written by R.M.Z

Ramz Shaft. Daring to be more than extra and less than normal. SuperHuman, SuperAgile, SuperGamer, SuperTrepreneuer. Part-time lover and fighter. Always growing

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