Ok now for a second I know this sounds a lot more crazier than it looks but I’ll break it down…voices in your head are your friends.
For those more psychiatrically inclined this may or may not prove to be ‘fake news’ but for majority of us we live in a world where we have too much time to worry about others and too little to focus on ourselves.
We know more about our friends relationship with their partners cousins uncle than we do our own mind.
Scary when you sit down and think to yourself. When was the last time I sat in silence? Like true silence and heard your own thoughts. This in itself will give you the answer you seek. We focus so much on the body, working out, keeping up appearances, the make up we apply for work meticulously everyday, our showers, our Netflix time but not with the Ultra-powerful instrument that makes this all possible.
Ludicrous no?
Would you work for 24 hours everyday, no rest, no pay, constantly under a barrage of tasks AND not get any recognition for it? (If you’re a yes then you can stop reading and find the nearest shrink).
This is how we treat our minds. So all that is proposed is one thing, just 5 minutes. Out of your busy day where you can not get ANYTHING else done, 5 minutes. The same 5 minutes where you can troll around on Facebook, look at yourself in the mirror, refresh your emails, stare off into the abyss during your morning commute. Yes those 5 minutes.
Acknowledge the fact that you have a body. A heartbeat. A breath. All working without conscious effort. Amazing really. Go past the fake wall of the interruptions that will inevitably always come up once your mind is still (your nose will always be itchy, your back will always be hurting, no your phone is safe) and slowly allow yourself to commune with your inner mind.
Chill the f*** out.
“You should sit in meditation for twenty minutes every day – unless you’re too busy. Then you should sit for an hour.”
Zen Proverb.
Be Super.