(Now full on disclaimer, this may not work for you as you belief systems in place or strategies that work for you. This is just a rough approximation of what I have seen and felt work).
Most decisions we make during the day are pointless. By pointless I mean they unnecessarily take more energy to process the decision than the action and reward you are given. These are ‘holes’. In life there will always be these holes but it is mitigating them through having a very clean and fast way of sieving through things to do.
3 Point Theory
Pulling these all together? You can loosely form a methodology or system to process this. The split would look like:
10% – Should be doing now, decided upon my earlier. Proactive. Planned and thought out. Quick. Rarely last minute. Greens.
80% – Things that just pop up into the day but take a bit more time to process. They are unrefined. Ambers.
10% – Chaos. Reactive. These are where the holes are. Essentially fire-fighting. Life can not be life without these. Reds.
The brutal reality is most of your day is filled with amber with a tinge of red. You need to be able to take control over your decisions and not let them control you. Doing this by adding more green in to the mix to offset the chaos the other colours generate.
Now each have glaring strengths and hidden weaknesses of each but all take a vital part of your 24 hours. It is your choice to decide if your focus is on the right thing.
Be Super.