Exercise Is Not The Enemy!

2 min readMay 18, 2017


Before this turns into a rant, disclaimer that anyone can choose to live their life the way in which they so desire.

This has only come about due to a sudden rise in ‘hating’ exercise.


We only get one (depending on your religious beliefs this could be another discussion entirely) but for this instance we have one life, one body, one mind, us right?

No man has the right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable

A really smart lad in the form of Socrates a long long time ago apparently said this quote but it really hits home. Let’s break it down.

For a second let’s strip away all the ‘his’ and ‘man’ and replace this ‘you, us, they’.

We Don’t Have The Right To Be An Amateur In Physical Training

You are the master of your vessel. You are the commander of the ship. Yielding to yourself being ‘tired’ or ‘not feeling like it today’ is just weakness. Eradicate it. Do not let it infect you. No one says you have to be great but to attain greatness you should start.

It Is A Shame To Grow Old Without Seeing The Beauty And Strength Of Which Your Body Is Capable

Herein lies the secret. We all die. Spoiler to those who did not know this. Yes we grow weaker as the years go by (unless you take steroids then skip this part) our sight, strength, movement all reach a decline at a certain age that we can not avoid. Now before getting to that stage where a lot of us are heading especially in the West with our over consumption of some of the best technology in the world is mass complacency. Loads of apps, technology literally built to make us feel better because at the end of the day mind always triumphs matter right? Wrong. If you do not look after your car for 30 years and have a positive attitude it’s still going to be a shitty, broken down and useless car. No one can do this for you. No one can help you maintain it but yourself. Before we reach these stages of inevitable decay? Wouldn’t it be great to say we tried our best?

Everyday you consume without training your vessel in physical matters you are essentially saying ‘hello death’, ‘konichiwa illness’, ‘namaste mediocrity’…imagine you could take a pill that fought off death, illnesses and ailments of all kinds AND made you happier? (If you ever do find it sign me up) but sorry it doesn’t exist yet so get to work.

Be Super.




Written by R.M.Z

Ramz Shaft. Daring to be more than extra and less than normal. SuperHuman, SuperAgile, SuperGamer, SuperTrepreneuer. Part-time lover and fighter. Always growing

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