So the future. It is coming faster than you know it or even realise. Close your eyes and 5 years can pass. Nod off for 2 minutes and you have a family of your own. Planning steps towards the inevitable is vital so you are not overloaded when it comes.
5 Factor Plan
Essentially there are things that you can look out for that can aid this process. Separate they are helpful but together they can adorn you with the correct jacket to weather the storms to come.
1. Career
You may not be where you want to be now? That is fine but you have time on your side. The small changes you make today will make your future self smile. Network. Go to meet ups in the space you want. Expose yourself to the people within where you want to be.
2. Health
Health is wealth
This should be a plaque on your wall everyday. This vehicle that we take for granted is with us on our first breath and our last. We rarely get another one. No one knows you as intimately as your own body. Keeping it in prime condition, good nutrition, sufficient exercise and water is key.
3. Personal Finance
Savings are great. What is even better is a method of attack or plan for the money you put aside. Always asking yourself ‘how can this grow for me?’.
4. Technology
Crypto this. Machine learning that. Super electro hydronic *insert buzz word*. Not saying to be involved in all of the latest tech craze side of things but it is without a shadow of a doubt they are revolutionising the world as we see it. Don’t be left behind due to ignorance.
5. Mental Strength
If the lens you view the world is already distorted and shattered no matter how nice the scenery it will always appear broken. Invest in you. Having a strong positive mental attitude takes more than a smile on the face. It is years of practice. Optimism is born from continuous victory. However ‘victory’ can also mean a learning you have taken from a defeat.
These steps may seem small? But together they can really make an impact in paving a future for yourself that you can be proud of.
Be Super.