Knowing When To Quit The Severely Overlooked Cousin Of Progression
I think it is safe to say our world at the moment is filled with many great things. Smart phones, latest technologies, Uber (if you’re not a taxi driver who makes a living on it), Tinder but these all probably most definitely would not have come about if someone had not effectively quit something along the way.
Quitting in entrepreneurship
The best ideas like the light bulb, gravity even Facebook all have come about because someone decided that whatever they were doing before was not beneficial for them and they quit. Having your focus anchored in different directions won’t allow the ‘slow hunches’ to form, you have to focus on the things that are truly important and consistently.
Quitting in love
I think it’s safe to say this goes without saying. Focusing on the person who broke your heart X years ago will not necessarily get you anywhere, in fact you can even be stuck in a vortex of your thoughts and feeling for much much longer than your relationship lasted. Quitting here allows the heart to feel pain, to heal and to come back stronger.
Quitting in finances
Spending money on material objects has always been the thorn in the paw of the human race and we keep making prettier and prettier things. Lack of control of your finances is a direct insult to your future self and your legacy. Making the choice to quit some form of spending can have lasting effects that echo for the rest of your life.
I recommend this book as extra reading.
Quitting with friends
You are the sum of all your friends and the people you surround yourself with as much as you are what you eat. This one is really simple. Birds of the same feather flock together so if you do not like your current circumstances? These are a by-product of you not quitting at some point. Quitting here does not mean you do not see good old ‘Alex’ or ‘Tom’ again, it just means that you are open to finding more people who challenge you everyday to bring out the best in you.
Just quit the bullshit. Free your mind to the excellence that is trapped within it. Everything you see around you in this world, every object was made by another person with a body very similar to yours, a heart, a brain but the core difference is they chose to quit something that was not beneficial to them.
So today let’s be quitters.
Let us take the path to our better selves.