My Outlook On Health

Something above me

1 min readSep 16, 2021

A sense higher than myself.

A calling.

After becoming a father to my baby girl, I learned quickly that my body is not just mine. I owe it to her, her mother and everyone whom depends on me to be in the best shape I can be.

To live as long as I possibly can.

I am the first image she will see in the world when she thinks of the words; man or father. A pedestal written in stone.

My health. Mental. Physical. Spiritual. There is no conceivable reason to let these fall to the wayside except pure, unadulterated gluttony.

Gluttony in love for self. I gave up the right to that life the second she breathed air in to this planet.

Not giving them the best versions of me is criminal. Not trying every waking day to live true to myself is criminal.

Health is wealth however it’s not a fortune I withdraw it’s for my loved ones to spend.

Be Super




Ramz Shaft. Daring to be more than extra and less than normal. SuperHuman, SuperAgile, SuperGamer, SuperTrepreneuer. Part-time lover and fighter. Always growing