Pockets of Space Primer

Unique time to be…

2 min readMay 19, 2020


Alone with your thoughts.

Your dreams and aspirations.

The internal as opposed to the external, now more than ever in the age we live in this is important.

Finding small pockets for you to detach away from information from various places is critical. In the development of your mind which everyday has the power to change.

Whether this is:

  • Waking up in the morning
  • Before you sleep
  • When you step outside
  • Certain sections of your home


Picking moments at a time. Some not longer than a breath, some as long as 20 minutes to just check in mentally.

How is your ankle doing?

Your thighs?

Your navel?

The ribs?

The neck?

Your forehead?

What is the feeling that is present within you today when everything is gone?

Are you constantly wired? Why is that?

What is the MOST prevalent thought you have right now? And then next, and the next….

Akin to buying eggs at the supermarket you would inspect the goods before you buy. Carefully. Let’s have that same level of devotion for ourselves.

It is ok to be attached to many but true growth starts from within. No one can make you whole, can bring you true happiness. That is as much as your purpose as breathing is.

Find small pockets today. A series of moments. Be present in today.

Be Super




Ramz Shaft. Daring to be more than extra and less than normal. SuperHuman, SuperAgile, SuperGamer, SuperTrepreneuer. Part-time lover and fighter. Always growing