Pushing Through The Silence…It’s Coming

2 min readFeb 14, 2017


We never ever know how close we are to our defining life moment.
It could be when you lost your job, broke up with your long time spouse, after many many many failures (Framed As Invisible Learning) but hard work, effort and perseverance are a seed that you must water time and time again.

Bamboo tree in the wild

Life Lessons From A Tree

Now, I am by in no way claiming I am the originator of this story but through it’s telling it has left a might impression on me. Here I’ll even link a video.

  1. Keep working even when you don’t see the results
    Perhaps one of the biggest ones out there, as a society we want to post our latest wins to Instagram, our successes to Facebook or *insert Social media platform* but the bamboo tree after 3–5 years of pouring water do the results yield.
  2. Consistency in small daily actions and not big events
    Remember you are creating a system of habits for you to follow. Motivation should never be a driver as if I asked you in the morning how motivated you were to leave your bed I would hear a few sniggers, motivation wavers, systems and habits do not. Like a relationship you can not leave the bamboo tree without feeding it for 3 days come back on one day and forget it. Consistent actions stimulate development.

Consistent actions stimulate development.

3. Ignore the naysayers and continue improving your craft
Big spoiler. You will face ALOT of shit. Your family won’t agree with some of your choices. Your spouse. Your friends. Your coworkers. Your cat even. However if your road is a perilous one? Do it hard and do it well.
Now Einstein did say ‘it’s insanity doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results’ but no one talks about putting in the time to be worthy of those results. Bamboo tree farmers can look like absolute crazy people tending to a tree that isn’t growing.

So put your head down. Put in the work.
Stop bitching. Your best is yet to come.
Enjoy the silence, it means growth is happening.

Be Strong.

Be Super.




Written by R.M.Z

Ramz Shaft. Daring to be more than extra and less than normal. SuperHuman, SuperAgile, SuperGamer, SuperTrepreneuer. Part-time lover and fighter. Always growing

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