Redefining Self

The act of metamorphosis.

3 min readJul 2, 2020

If someone told you, you can change. To be better than yesterday. To evolve and your potential IS limitless? You would check to see what faith they are trying to convert you to or trying to sell you.

‘What we know is a drop. What we do not know is an ocean’

It’s a normal Sunday and I’m watching Netflix with my partner. The villain of the show says this (Dark – Netflix for the curious). Astounding. In two sentences any and everything I currently believe was challenged.

Self. Directed. Neuroplasticity.

The brains ability to change. To shift. To mold itself.

Derrick Rose (above) was touted to be one of the greatest players in his youth. He shook by storm. Youngest ever MVP. Injuries for over a decade derailed his career.

Take a look at these statistics.

Now you don’t have to be a basketball savant to realise that the numbers on the right are superior to the left.

Many would ask….how is it possible?

He’s older. Damaged. A string of bad luck and choices but is now performing BETTER than he did in his prime?

It falls down to 3 key things.

1. Belief

No matter what happened in the last 10 years, Rose had a firm belief in self. He had a mental image in his head of whom he is, who he was and where he wanted to go.

2. Silencing The Critics

There will always be naysayers in life. They are there for you when you are on top and like a thief in the night they are gone. He never used words to fight them. He accepted that they exist parallel to him. To anything he outputs.

3. Getting To Work

The most important. He worked his f*%#’n ass off. Day in and out. Correcting muscular imbalances. Life long habits that affected his career. Improving in areas where he once overlooked. No stone was unturned.

Stricken with life altering injuries. Plucked from the stars. He rose. Derrick did.

The human races potential for evolution and the paths you can take in life are truly unwritten. Do not constrain to what is now. Where you are now. How you think now.

It is said if you ‘believe you can achieve’. There is definitely more to this as when I was growing up my mother always taught me however….

‘If you work it won’t hurt’

Be kind to yourself.

You are not what people say, you are what you do.

So do big things.

Do small things.

Be excellent.

Be brave.

Be scared.

Be daring.

Most of all, be you. The you that has all the pieces in the world inside you to be whom you want to be.

Be Super




Written by R.M.Z

Ramz Shaft. Daring to be more than extra and less than normal. SuperHuman, SuperAgile, SuperGamer, SuperTrepreneuer. Part-time lover and fighter. Always growing

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