Now every ceremony in Scrum is important. Some would even say arguably they have equal weight. However the first one to go if there is a choice is the retrospective.
After going to lots of meetups, working in various teams and meeting different people they all come to the conclusion that ‘we don’t need’. That is the equivalent of thinking you’re the best basketball player in the world with nothing to improve.
There are 3 main reasons I suffer from sever confusion from this:
Improving process
Not knowing what makes you great is equally as important as knowing what makes you fail.
If you are not improving your process on a weekly or whatever basis you run the risk of stagnating sooner or later.
Finally, if you can not adapt to change as the real world is continuously moving you and your technologies will be left behind.
So all of these in mind?
Why does this have less importance, the least talked about at any event/gathering.
What are your thoughts?
Be Super.