I read very great article here essentially saying over 40% of your current life is on autopilot, intertwined and mixed in our conscious, our habits.
What we do echoes not now but for all eternity.
Waking up. Brushing your teeth. Having that same cup of Joe in the morning. Ordering lunch from your favourite place. Walking. Breathing. The hand you hold your phone in.
All of these actions have been taken long from our thinking brain and have reached a state where they are mechanical, not intensive. So why is this important?
You are the architect of your life.
Nope. Didn’t hear that? I’ll say it again.
You are the architect of your life.
You are the conductor of your happiness and also your sadness. You have power over your mood and your perception. You are highly favoured because your life is your own.
Want to make big changes in your life? You start small. You start with your daily tasks, more importantly your habits.
- Change your scenery when walking in to work; go a different route
- Sleep earlier
- Eat more
- Eat less
- Workout
- Call a close friend every 2 days
- Have a journal
By themselves these all don’t have that much power but over time, with consistency and care they will grow from being a tiny plant to a forest of your design. Don’t underestimate the compound effect.
Control your habits.
I’ll leave you with the famous Ghandi quote.
Watch your words, they become actions; watch your actions, they become habits; watch your habits, they become character; watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.
Be Super.