Stress Is Just Mis-managed Chaos

1 min readMar 30, 2017


Yeah I said it. It is just a huge excuse of poor management of time, priorities and letting emotions take over your rational brain.


Stress is caused by when there is a friction of what is expected to happen (in our minds) and the reality.

An example would be: If you were to believe it would rain today? Bought your jacket and it does not, this for some is a cause for stress, exasperation, discomfort and all the lovely negativity.

Stopping the monster

First step in stopping this is first to be able to pivot or change your perceptions of what your current situation is. Being stuck in the past is great to reflect but bleeds into today. Don’t.

Another helpful step is not reinforcing or repeating the negative aspects of what has happened. There are things you can and can not control. Spewing toxic fumes about your problems only has an illusion of helping you and none for others. Don’t be selfish.

Lastly admit it. Admit it is out of your control. Your emotions have led you astray. That you are not in control now but you will be. There is great power in the words we speak to our subconscious.

Be Super.




Written by R.M.Z

Ramz Shaft. Daring to be more than extra and less than normal. SuperHuman, SuperAgile, SuperGamer, SuperTrepreneuer. Part-time lover and fighter. Always growing

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