The Limiting Belief
I can’t.
I never have been.
I don’t do this.
I’m not able to.
We’ve never done it this way.
I’m not that type of…
The list goes on.
How we frame events in our own minds reflect the actions and beliefs we hold.
Briefly touching on it in my previous post here, our belief or what we choose to believe massively impacts our ability to define ourselves. Who we are today. Who we will be. Who we can be.
It looks something like this.
- We observe with our eyes/ears/touch etc.
- We select the data from what we observe
- We add meaning and make assumptions (culturally and from past personal experience)
- Draw conclusions
- We adopt a belief about the situation then action is taken
What is never discussed is how our beliefs affect what data we select to observe. By going to step 5 we then return to step 2, a self fulfilling prophecy.
What does this mean for me?
Let’s say for instance you are making a cake. You have never made one before and you start.
Using the above points you first observe and as you have no reference point you take all information in.
You have no prior experience but only the taste of a ‘good’ cake. You create yours and it tastes NOTHING like what you imagined. You now adopt a belief you can not cook cakes that taste good.
You adopt a belief you can not cook cakes that taste good.
You move on to try to cook something else. Your past belief about cakes/cooking tells you that this may not end well.
It is now possible to see I hope for you how destructive what we choose to belief can be. It is a vicious cycle if you allow it.
New information =/= New Behaviours
It is not enough to have just read a book/a thesis or to really just want something to happen. Behaviour, beliefs and emotions are naturally tied.
To really own a new behaviour or belief you must truly be able to express it for yourself.
- What is the change you want to see?
(Ex. cake – I want rounder cakes)
What Happens If?
- What are the worst things that can happen? (Preparation)
(Cake is not round, cake taste horrible)
- It is inevitable to fail sometimes, we embrace here you are monitoring how much less these are happening?
(Non round cakes this week = 4 last week 6, progress)
The smaller and more manageable the steps the easier it is to be perceptive when your limiting beliefs are creeping in.
Transparency. Without ego nor judgement.
Be Super