Many if not most associate the act of selling with giving you a bit of spiel about an item that you do not want so in turn you end up buying something you do not need. This is not a post defending or avenging that stance. This is to give a real account of what it teaches about real life.
The big scary word. Every graduates nightmare. The jobseeker has heard this many a time. It has been around probably since the dawn of time. The power to expose someone to a new idea and them realising the advantages to it. Sales in a nutshell.
Now what it teaches about life is a different matter. It has some deep teachings that even after all these years I am still learning today.
1. Manage yourself because no one is going to do it for you
Endless sales calls. Meetings. Shareholders. New clients. Account management. Having the ability to juggle all of these after a few years becomes habit but you are learning a vital skill, time management. Structure.
2. Your success is directly linked with your PMA
Have you ever wondered why you get the extra cheesy salesman in the films with the Colgate smiles, fast talk and upbeat attitude? Because the reality is it is hard. Days go by and deals may not come in, clients fall out but yesterday is not a thermometer of tomorrow’s success. Everyday is a new day and the only thing that they can control is their attitude being consistent.
3. Having a long term plan with a short one and constantly reviewing the latter
The focus on numbers is paramount in sales. Number do not lie. Knowing your averages of people > deal ratio is one of the many numbers that are looked at. You plan for the quarter. Targets to hit. KPI’s (Key Performance Indicators). You also plan for the week. Daily. You build back to front and forget about the quarterly rock whilst you focus heavily on the day to day.
4. Setbacks are expected
You can be on top of your game. The best in the office. Your country. However there will always be a winter. It is expected. It is not hated when it comes. You move forward not backward. It does not define you, it builds character. It too shall pass. Again meticulous planning and consistency are the name of the game.
5. Self presentation impacts how you feel about yourself
A nice bespoke suit. That tie you wear once every 6 years for that party. The grand finals haircut. The beach body. In sales presentation is not only a physical thing for others to see you but very big mental as well. Everyday you are on show and you must perform.
It truly is an art. Many people start it but do not give it the respect it deserves but like all things it is a skill you can easily learn with the right student mentality and work ethic.
Be Super.