So we talked about why to relieving stress in a prior post but there are most definitely benefits as well.
The saying ‘pressure makes diamonds’ is as synonymous with hard times as butter is with bread but why is that?
Stress Can Be Fun
Whenever this feeling comes around more often than not you are trying something you have never done before, something new, sometimes exciting. Try to immerse yourself in the unknown. Having no locust of control is ok sometimes.
Stress To Evolve
Break break break and more breaking then build. Evolution itself of a specie, a new martial art technique, Agile projects come from continuous improvement whilst being on the borderline of stress and the unknown. This can bring forth possibilities you previously never saw before.
Stress To Humble
Maybe you are not as cool headed as you thought. This is the rare opportunity to humble thy self in elements you do not yet have control over and never will. Regroup. Replan. Replay.
How do you view stress?
Be Super.